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Monday, January 23, 2024

Record sales for Hunters in 2005

Hunters, one of Scotland's leading estate agency groups, clocked up a record year for 2005 - boosting year-on-year home sales by 35 per cent to £156 million, helped by "second generation" Fifers.

Despite an alleged slowdown in the wider residential property market the firm, which has operations in Edinburgh, Dunfermline and Falkirk sold around 1000 properties for clients.

More than 900 homes were sold in the area covered by the Edinburgh Solicitors' Property Centre - a rise of 230 on the previous year - in a spurt that pushed the firm into second spot from third in the ESPC annual house sales league behind Warners. A further 95 homes were also sold from the group's Falkirk office, which opened in October 2004.

From its head office in Morningside, Hunters grew sales from £77.53m to £86.9m. Sales from its Falkirk operation, launched in October 2004, hit £14m. But the biggest growth area was seen from its Dunfermline office, where sales were up by 70 per cent to £55.1m.

The latest ESPC sales report reveals the traditionally quiet month of December proved to be anything but, with sales in east-central Scotland up by 17 per cent to 1500 properties.