Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Drivers Jonas Scotland in new letting at Airlink Business Park, Paisley
The Scottish office of Drivers Jonas has completed the latest letting at Airlink Business Park in Paisley. Green-Works in association with the Kibble School, has taken 15,500 sq ft of warehouse accommodation in Airlink North, the main facility within the Park.

The letting marks the latest in a flurry of deals, including AirSea Scotland and Renfrewshire Council, who have recently taken up residence within the business park. The remaining 4 units within Airlink North now extend to 86,000 sq ft. These units are available separately or in combination. Each unit at Airlink North also benefits from extensive yardage, high prominence and excellent accessibility to the M8 and Glasgow Airport.

The letting marks the latest in a flurry of deals, including AirSea Scotland and Renfrewshire Council, who have recently taken up residence within the business park. The remaining 4 units within Airlink North now extend to 86,000 sq ft. These units are available separately or in combination. Each unit at Airlink North also benefits from extensive yardage, high prominence and excellent accessibility to the M8 and Glasgow Airport.
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