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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Gateshead Council receives award for consideration

Gateshead Council's Local Environmental Services has been presented with a national award for being a Considerate Constructor.

The Council's building and construction arm was presented with a Bronze award from the Considerate Constructors Scheme at a prestigious awards ceremony in Edinburgh.

An independent panel of judges had decided to give the award to Gateshead Council in recognition of its work on the school's new sports hall at Ryton Comprehensive School. The judges felt that the site had complied with the highest standards under the Code of Considerate Practice set by the scheme.

Only 7.5% of the sites inspected by the scheme's judges are presented with awards

John Robinson, Group Director, Local Environmental Services, said: "I am delighted for everyone who worked on the Ryton sports hall site - it's down to their efforts that we have won this award.

"Construction is, by its very nature, a noisy and messy business and its very easy to cause problems for people living and working nearby. Being a considerate constructor means taking time to think about how what we do affects whole community, then taking steps to minimise the problems.

He added: "I am especially pleased that the team who constructed the Ryton Sports Hall not only carried out a superb job but have been rewarded for the way they did it."

The Considerate Constructors Scheme is a national initiative designed to improve the image of the construction industry through better management and presentation of its sites. It aims to raise the standards of construction and management above statutory requirements.

The Code commits those contractors in the Scheme to be Considerate and Good Neighbours, as well as Clean, Respectful, Safe, Environmentally conscious, Responsible and Accountable.

Gateshead Council has had a number of projects registered with the Considerate Constructors scheme during the past 5 years and this Bronze Award was the second award it has received. Gateshead Council's Local Environmental Services were awarded a silver award for its construction of Whickham Comprehensive School's dance studio.