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Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Leeds pushes ahead with CPO for city centre redevelopment

Proposals for a major retail-led redevelopment in Leeds, planned as a new urban quarter for the city, have taken a step forward. Councillors have agreed to acquire the land needed using a compulsory purchase order (CPO).

Plans for the Eastgate and Harewood area of the city include a John Lewis department store, over 100 new shops, some 600 residential units, office space and new leisure and entertainment facilities. In addition, the 8.5 hectare site will be the location for cinemas, a gym, a medical centre and a new church.

It is claimed that the project - a collaborative venture involving the city council, John Lewis, Hammersons and Town Centre Securities - will also revitalise one of the city's oldest streets, Lady Lane.

On the current timetable, the scheme is expected to begin climbing off the drawing board in 2008 and be completed in 2011. In a related development, the council has started the next phase of consultation on the Action Area Plan (AAP) for the city centre.