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Monday, June 19, 2023

BDP's Sheffield masterplan recognised by award

BDP's New Retail Quarter in Sheffield has won the BEX Award for Best Master Planning for a Regeneration Scheme. The news was announced at the second annual Building Exchange conference held in Madrid 7 - 9 June (2006).

The major theme of the second annual BEX awards was regeneration, reflecting the commitment of the industry to innovation, renewal and development in our living and working environments.

The winning masterplan reflects environmental social and commercial requirements and demonstrates the principles supporting the brief including those for land use, design density, transport, landscape and infrastructure.

Director Peter Coleman, DP's Head of Retail and Regeneration, said "The New Retail Quarter, designed for developer Hammerson, is intended to be a holistic strategy for regeneration involving the creation of new jobs, business activity and opportunities for new shopping, catering, leisure and city living in a townscape of character and quality. BDP's approach to the masterplan is to provide a retail led mixed use development in a network of open streets and covered urban spaces which will make a step change away from the enclosed monolithic type of shopping centre."

BDP also featured in the Awards when James Warne MEng CEng MInstE was runner up for the Most Promising Young Engineer Award. He was able to demonstrate a significant role in a successful project, a contribution to an innovative design and some imaginative research undertaken.