Directory Search:

Premium Business Directory Listing

Having a Premium directory listing with Property Executive maximises your company's visibility in the directory and enables you to add much more information about your business. A Premium listing will give your company highly targeted online advertising and marketing.

Premium listings have the same features as the free standard listing as well as these extra features -

  • You can have a link to your website and email address contacts
  • Your company logo
  • Pictures of your business or products
  • And space to describe your business in more detail
  • premium listingPremium listings have a star beside them so they stand out from standard listings

The extra benefit is that you control the content as you have a username and password for your own section within the directory. You can have any description and pictures you want; whatever best promotes your company's products or services. The content on your page can be changed as often as you want. If your company has recently been in the news or won an award add it to your description, the more up to date your page is the more often our website users will use the site.

The price for a Premium listing is £250 for a year. This covers all your office listings, if you have more than one - for example an office in Edinburgh and Manchester - they will all be upgraded.

View an example premium listing here

To signup for a Premium listing you must first register for a standard listing with us. If you have an existing listing and wish to upgrade then please email us your details to If you're joining this directory for the first time then register for a standard listing and we'll reply with an email detailing how you can upgrade to a Premium listing with us.