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Advertise your commercial property in Property Executive

The properties section of the website is advertised extensively in Property Executive Scotland and Property Executive North reaching thousands of interested buyers and companies every month in the commercial property industry. In addition the website is extensively marketed to the search engines and receives over 5,000 unique visitors each month.

To advertise your commercial properties on Property Executive's website contact -
Scotland - Steve Georgiou on 01506 20413 or
North England – Gordon Clark on 08700 115010 or

When you sign up you'll be given a unique password for the website where you'll be able to add the details of all your available properties quickly and directly into the database where they can be viewed by searchers.

The listings contain all the relevant information on properties and the contact details for the advertising agent in an easy to search guide.

Each property listing can include –

  • The property’s name.
  • The address of the property.
  • Website address.
  • Price – either to buy or lease.
  • A full description of the property.
  • Up to five pictures of the property.
  • A downloadable PDF of the property.
  • And the full details of the agents involved.

See an example property listing here

To advertise your commercial properties on Property Executive's website contact -
Scotland - Steve Georgiou on 01506 20413 or
North England – Gordon Clark on 08700 115010 or