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Tuesday, April 29, 2023

Fisher Hargreaves Proctor in new office letting in Nottingham

Fisher Hargreaves Proctor acting as joint agents with DTZ, have secured Geoffrey Parker Bourne Solicitors as the latest tenants at 30/34 Hounds Gate. Geoffrey Parker Bourne have taken a ten year lease on the 5,395ft² second floor office suite.

James Hartley, Surveyor at Fisher Hargreaves Proctor commented that "This deal has been extremely pleasing. To secure a tenant of Geoffrey Parker Bourne's stature on such a lease is great news."

"We spent a long time with Geoffrey Parking Bourne helping them find their ideal office for their aggressive expansion plans in Nottingham and following the refurbishment of Hounds Gate back in November they felt that there was only one option for them, to move to Hounds Gate."

James further added, "This letting follows on from a number of other lettings throughout Nottingham and I think it reflects that the market is not as 'doom and gloom' as the national media might have you believe."

Sarah Cooper of Catalyst Capital LLP, the landlords, commented, "This has been an excellent letting for the property and reflects the quality of the refurbishment to both the vacant floor and reception area to provide a greatly improved specification to the building.

"To secure a tenant like Geoffrey Parker Bourne is a fantastic name to add to the already impressive tenants list at Hounds Gate and now means that we have no further space to offer at present. To have helped a company like Geoffrey Parker Bourne with their expansion plans has been satisfying for both FHP and ourselves."

Tony Kirton of Geoffrey Parker Bourne added, "Fisher Hargreaves Proctor were fantastic, they really have spent a lot of time helping us to find our ideal premises. We spent a number of afternoons with FHP walking the length and breadth of Nottingham to find the perfect premises and as it happens Hounds Gate fitted the bill on so many different levels. The standard of office space is superb and fits perfectly with our plans to continue the growth of our Nottingham office. These are exciting times for Geoffrey Parker Bourne since we only recently took 26,000 square feet in Stratford-upon-Avon to facilitate growth at our Head Office."